Treatment, Testing & Maintenance - Servicing: Wollongong, Shoalhaven, & Southern Highlands
Water is our most precious natural resource.
Well treated and maintained rainwater tanks can provide a renewable supply of soft, clear and odourless water that can be used for a range of purposes.
However, if you suspect that water in the tank is contaminated, it can be chlorinated by treating it with chlorine dioxide to restore it to a level it can be consumed. Other forms of water treatment may also be used, such as disinfection with ultraviolet light (UV) or filtration. Not all filters remove or inactivate harmful microorganisms. If a filter is used for health reasons, then it should be meet an appropriate standard.
First flush devices
First flush devices prevent the first portion of roof run-off from entering the tank and will reduce the amounts of dust, bird droppings and leaves etc., that can accumulate on roofs, from being washed into tanks. The use of these devices is a necessity.
Roof catchments and gutters
Roof catchments and gutters should be inspected and cleared of leaves and other debris every three or four months. Overhanging branches should also be removed where possible.
Water testing
A sample is taken and sent pathology lab. Then a test for 'Suitability for Drinking’ test is undertaken.
Call The Tank & Chimney Men today for an obligation free quote.
Mobile 0408 001 403 or 0427 482 038